Q + A with Katie
Most event planners put their bio on their website, but do you really get a good idea of the type of person they are before hiring them? You want to make sure you mesh well with the planner who will be helping you create your ideal event. In this Q & A session I answer some business-related questions and some purely random questions so you can learn a little more about me.
How did you get your start as an event planner?
I kind of fell into event planning. I majored in Marketing and Management in college and wanted to work in sports marketing. What I didn’t realize until I worked in the industry is that many sporting events actually have pretty small full-time staffing, which means every person ends up in charge of multiple things. I usually ended up running the special events that happened around the main event, like season ticket holder appreciation events, family fun days, college nights, corporate client parties and extra sports outings with pro athletes. The more events I organized the better I got at it and the more fun I was having! That is how I found my groove.
What is your favorite thing about event planning?
I love the diversity it provides. I can get bored easily with too much of one thing, but as an event planner I get to go to a lot of interesting places, meet a ton of great people and be a part of some truly special moments. I also love being able to see all of the hard work come together and know that I created this occasion for guests to enjoy themselves.
Photo by George Street Photo
What is your least favorite thing about event planning?
I don’t really like having to sell myself to clients. I have never been super comfortable being aggressive or talking about what makes me great. I just don’t have the sales gene. That said, it is a necessary part of the job, so I am working on it.
What personality traits help you as an event planner?
It’s helpful that I like being organized. I use spreadsheets for everything, professional and personal. My husband makes fun of my excessive spreadsheets. It’s also good to be flexible. No matter how organized you are, you need to be ready for something to not go as planned and be able to think quickly to come up with an alternative. I’m also pretty calm under pressure. I don’t rattle easily. Being busy actually fuels my energy so I thrive on the fast-paced nature of live events.
What was the first job you ever had?
When I was in high school, I worked as an assistant dance teacher. I remember watching the recital my first year and feeling so proud of all my students!
Who is your favorite Disney princess?
I was always a fan of Belle. I liked that she was smart and kind and didn’t automatically go for the most handsome guy around. She was also the one who looked the most like me.
What is your least favorite food?
Onions. I can’t stand the flavor – even onion rings. I keep hoping my taste buds will change enough to make them taste better to me, but it hasn’t happened yet.
If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose?
I want a pet penguin!
Who is your hero?
I have two: my dad and Mario Lemieux. I have always looked up to my father. He is sweet, smart, goofy, hardworking and loving. He was our rock. He provided for our family, taught us about life and could diffuse any tense situation with his calm demeanor. He’s a big shot in the tax world, but you wouldn’t know it unless you happen to catch him gleefully talking on the subject. His mid-life crisis was to get in shape and become a marathoner… as if he wasn’t already Super Man to us!
Mario Lemieux was my favorite hockey player since I was little. He was super talented and respected. He has beaten multiple health issues including Hodgkin’s lymphoma. When the Penguins were bankrupt and in danger of being sold to Kansas City, he bought the team to keep them in Pittsburgh. He has led the Penguins to multiple Stanley Cup championships as both a player and an owner. He has founded multiple charitable foundations. I mean, what can’t that guy do?
What are you most likely to splurge on?
A trip! My husband (Sean) and I both love traveling and exploring new places. We have an awfully long bucket list and are always looking forward to our next adventure!
What’s the biggest hurdle you had to face when planning an event?
It was actually while I was planning my own wedding. It’s a long story, but I’ll give you the short version. We had arranged to get married in a small town overseas, so I was doing most of the planning remotely. A couple months before the wedding, Sean and I flew over and had arranged meetings with most of our vendors. The really important meeting was with our officiant because he was not great about communicating via technology and we had a lot of questions for him.
On the day of our vendor meetings, our officiant was nowhere to be found. We went to his office several times throughout the day, each time to no avail. After hours of investigating, we finally found out that he had left town and would not be returning until after our wedding! He never said anything to us. He was just gone. We were planning a religious ceremony, so the solution wasn’t as simple as getting one of our friends to step in.
We were able to get in touch with the one other officiant in town, who, coincidentally, had already turned me down the first time I asked him if he would officiate our wedding, but this time he agreed to marry us. We had to change both the location and time of the ceremony (after our invitations were printed, of course). The whole thing was a massive shock and quite a hurdle, but we managed to make it happen!
Photo by Lizard Nickel Photography
Who is your favorite comedian?
I love John Mulaney. He’s the male, slightly older and way funnier version of me. We are both one of four kids, two boys and two girls. Both of us have two parents who are lawyers. Both of our dads are named Charles. We were both raised Catholic. We both went to Georgetown University. I think his jokes seem a little extra funny to me because I relate to them so well.
What’s the strangest movie you have ever seen?
It’s called Black Sheep. Not the Chris Farley and David Spade movie, this one is from New Zealand. I think the ratio of sheep to people in New Zealand is about seven to one. Have you ever wondered, “What would happen if the sheep turned on humans?” That’s basically the plot of this movie. It is… so bizarre. Watch it.
What is the movie that chokes you up the most?
Oh my gosh, P.S. I Love You. I didn’t cry at movies when I was younger, but that one broke me. Even now, I know what happens, but I still cry every time I watch it.
What is the scariest thing you have ever done?
Bungee jumping was pretty terrifying!
What TV show do you watch on repeat?
What will be on the gag reel of your life?
I once had a man’s teeth fly at me on a roller coaster. An entire top set of dentures at 72 miles per hour. I’m lucky they didn’t hit me. I could have a seriously gross scar.
Photo from ultimaterollercoaster.com
What’s the worst piece of advice you received that you actually listened to?
When I was a freshman in high school, I told one of the seniors that I was thinking about becoming an architect. He told me that I was already too far behind. He said if I didn’t have a portfolio by that point then I wouldn’t be accepted anywhere for architecture, so I put it out of my mind. Looking back, I am annoyed with myself for blindly believing him, but if I hadn’t, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
What is something you wish you could do every day?
I think if I could go river tubing every day I would. You bring a cooler for drinks and snacks, a waterproof speaker and just chill out on the water with your friends for a few hours… it just makes me think life is good.
What is the best part of a wedding for you?
Everyone loves the first time the groom sees the bride, but I think my favorite is when the bride and her father do a first look. It is always such a sweet moment.
Do you have a motto?
Go big or go home!
Thanks for reading! If you think we would make a good fit and would like to work together, let’s chat!